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by Hawke published Feb 22, 2004 08:45 PM, last modified Nov 10, 2020 09:31 AM
Inexplicably Banned by Indeed as a Job Hunter

Inexplicably Banned by Indeed as a Job Hunter

by Hawke — last modified Aug 01, 2024 09:29 AM

I've been on for years without any issues. Until now. I've been banned with no explanation as to what I did, and they aren't willing to provide any means of resolution...

Inexplicably Banned by Indeed as a Job Hunter - Read More…

Some Proposed Solutions

by Hawke — last modified Jun 08, 2024 09:11 AM

A quick summary list of my proposed solutions to big issues.

Some Proposed Solutions - Read More…

Overview of the Issues with My Lungs and Some Health Challenges History

Overview of the Issues with My Lungs and Some Health Challenges History

by Hawke — last modified Jan 27, 2024 04:38 PM

Since I've had to explain this a number of times (even though I'd rather just keep such personal struggles private), this comes up enough times that I have to explain it, that I guess it is time I post it here so I can just point people here if they are interested enough in knowing what the deal is when I mention my lungs or breathing treatment issues.

Overview of the Issues with My Lungs and Some Health Challenges History - Read More…

Split Personality Career Development, Wants Versus Needs Causing This

by Hawke — last modified Nov 02, 2023 11:54 AM

Those who care about me often express their concern with the long hours I am working across multiple career paths (often exceeding 120 hour per week). This has been more because of situational needs than desire, though I have struggled with workaholism since around 1995, and I have always been a hyperactive person, this level of this kind of work is not my nature, but due to necessity...

Split Personality Career Development, Wants Versus Needs Causing This - Read More…

Why Working So Intensely Across 4+ Companies?

Why Working So Intensely Across 4+ Companies?

by Hawke — last modified Nov 02, 2023 11:54 AM

I was recently asked why I am working so intensely for 4+ companies? I have not yet worked out a simple response to this multivariate situation that has lead to this happening. I will try to work through figuring this out for myself and sharing with others unfolding how I ended up here just as I turn 53.

Why Working So Intensely Across 4+ Companies? - Read More…

Jealousy and Resentment Turned to Hatred and Bigotry Against Successful and Wealthy People

by Hawke — last modified Nov 02, 2023 11:55 AM

While there have always been jealous and resentful people at all levels, it seems in more recent years that this has turned into full blown hatred and increasing bigotry against anyone even perceived as successful or wealthy, even if they are just scraping by though perhaps at a higher quality of life. What happened to people aspiring rather than just being so full of resentment and entitlement?

Jealousy and Resentment Turned to Hatred and Bigotry Against Successful and Wealthy People - Read More…

Goals for wrapping up 2022 and getting 2023 off to a good start

by Hawke — last modified Nov 27, 2022 12:37 PM

I have a lot juggling multiple companies and personal goals, here are just a few of the highlights.

Goals for wrapping up 2022 and getting 2023 off to a good start - Read More…

Role-Playing Game Research best resource in the world free and open through RPG Research

Role-Playing Game Research best resource in the world free and open through RPG Research

by Hawke — last modified May 30, 2022 10:23 AM

Role-Playing Game Research is free and open to the public through the non-profit RPG Research, a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable research and human services organization studying the effects of all role-playing game formats for their potential to help improve lives around the world for all ages and demographics, including tabletop, live-action, electronic, and hybrid role-playing games.

Role-Playing Game Research best resource in the world free and open through RPG Research - Read More…

Increasingly mercenary and unaltrustic global culture

by Hawke — last modified Oct 10, 2023 12:34 PM

There has been a very disturbing increasing trend in the past 10 years in the volunteer, paid, and opensource sectors: severe mercenary and inconsiderate behaviors.

Increasingly mercenary and unaltrustic global culture - Read More…

What if income tax was 100% for some or all? Would it be enough?

by Hawke — last modified Mar 10, 2022 08:16 AM

A recent (and recurring) debate once again, as in the Washington state news today their "family leave program" is already running out of money, and someone stated "taxes just aren't high enough, especially for Jeff Bezos", but is this true? Ignoring psychology and reality, what does the straightforward math say? Would it be enough?

What if income tax was 100% for some or all? Would it be enough? - Read More…

What Has Happened to Mail Delivery Drivers?

What Has Happened to Mail Delivery Drivers?

by Hawke — last modified Feb 01, 2022 08:59 AM

We have been having a terrible time getting any of our deliveries lately. Apparently this isn't so much a staff shortage or other supply issues, apparently it is a generational/age issue...

What Has Happened to Mail Delivery Drivers? - Read More…

Doing Much, Accomplishing Little of Note

Doing Much, Accomplishing Little of Note

by Hawke — last modified Jan 19, 2022 09:23 AM

Now past the half-century mark and assessing impact...

Doing Much, Accomplishing Little of Note - Read More…

Don't Allow Risk of Renewal, Fully Repeal the "Patriot" Act and Associated Components

Don't Allow Risk of Renewal, Fully Repeal the "Patriot" Act and Associated Components

by Hawke — last modified Jan 18, 2022 10:57 AM

Since day 1 I have railed against the Patriot Act. I discussed on many talk shows the "unintended" as well as the intended consequences of this complete violation of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Don't Allow Risk of Renewal, Fully Repeal the "Patriot" Act and Associated Components - Read More…

Harder core Leftists Deny Crime Waves and Claim Police Greater Danger and Increasingly More Dangerous Despite Crime Waves Through the Roof

Harder core Leftists Deny Crime Waves and Claim Police Greater Danger and Increasingly More Dangerous Despite Crime Waves Through the Roof

by Hawke — last modified Jan 17, 2022 08:53 AM

Follow-home, retail smash & grab , zero-bail policies - LA Train Package thieves - LAPD Chief, Libs, academics, & legacy media claim crime rates down not up.

Harder core Leftists Deny Crime Waves and Claim Police Greater Danger and Increasingly More Dangerous Despite Crime Waves Through the Roof - Read More…

Science-based reasoning: Japan anti-mandate, compulsion, coercion, or discrimination regarding vaccines

Science-based reasoning: Japan anti-mandate, compulsion, coercion, or discrimination regarding vaccines

by Hawke — last modified Jan 16, 2022 09:02 AM

Far more based in reason, science, research, data, analysis and evidence-in-practice, than the hyperbolic panic promulgated throughout much of the US, Canada, etc.

Science-based reasoning: Japan anti-mandate, compulsion, coercion, or discrimination regarding vaccines - Read More…

US DOJ forms new "Domestic Terrorism" unit to go after anyone with "anti-authority ideologies"

US DOJ forms new "Domestic Terrorism" unit to go after anyone with "anti-authority ideologies"

by Hawke — last modified Jan 12, 2022 10:58 AM

Hello Orwell! Bow to your authoritarian masters and do not question or use "questionable" language. You will be assimilated. Resistance will be punished. All your base are belong to us.

US DOJ forms new "Domestic Terrorism" unit to go after anyone with "anti-authority ideologies" - Read More…

Equity Versus Equality, Communism, Karl Marx From Each According to Ability to Each According to Need

Equity Versus Equality, Communism, Karl Marx From Each According to Ability to Each According to Need

by Hawke — last modified Jan 05, 2022 07:49 AM

In recent years, especially under the Obama and Biden administrations, Socialists and Communists have stopped pretending under the guise of "Progressives" (whom the Marxists consider insufficiently socialist), and have openly mandated "Equity" over Equality, directly in line with the Communist Manifesto an Karl Marx's teachings.

Equity Versus Equality, Communism, Karl Marx From Each According to Ability to Each According to Need - Read More…

Globally Lowering IQ of the Past Several Decades - Flynn Effect Reversal - "Dumbing Down" or just "Different" Cognitive Functioning - Consequences of Age-ism and Impact on Freedom

Globally Lowering IQ of the Past Several Decades - Flynn Effect Reversal - "Dumbing Down" or just "Different" Cognitive Functioning - Consequences of Age-ism and Impact on Freedom

by Hawke — last modified Oct 23, 2021 10:41 AM

The following is highly controversial. You have been notified. I thought maybe I was just being an old curmudgeon at age 50, and that is not mutually exclusive, but it turns out the research data does indicate that, for whatever causal reason (lots of debate there with no definitive answers), there is clearly a globally dropping of the global IQ over the last few decades. There is debate about different types of intelligence, but this doesn't seem to be that issue. It appears indeed that Human beings around the world are regressing.

Globally Lowering IQ of the Past Several Decades - Flynn Effect Reversal - "Dumbing Down" or just "Different" Cognitive Functioning - Consequences of Age-ism and Impact on Freedom - Read More…

Dune 2021 Part 1 Review

by Hawke — last modified Nov 06, 2021 04:35 PM

As the promos states, "a visually stunning" adaptation by Denis Villeneuve, it is very visually epic, though consistently weirdly much darker in visual tone without respite. No internal monologue. Unfortunately it appears to have apparently been written, directed, edited, and produced by people with no understanding of the Dune books, plot, politics, history, internal physics, setting, or apparently even the English language. Unfortunately all of the acting, even from the actors with historically good acting, was weak, wooden, and mostly monotone. And for canon-lovers, beware, your head will explode. :) Also really broken sound mix.

Dune 2021 Part 1 Review - Read More…

My Car history

by Hawke — last modified Jul 25, 2021 07:11 PM

Top Gear and Grant Tour likes to ask people what their "car history" is, and though I'm nobofy, thought I'd just capture that here, since I have had a somewhat interesting (albeit "poor man") varied history of driving and car ownership.

My Car history - Read More…

Struggling to dual boot install Q4OS Centaurus alongside Windows 10 on Dell XPS 15 9575 2in1

Struggling to dual boot install Q4OS Centaurus alongside Windows 10 on Dell XPS 15 9575 2in1

by Hawke — last modified Apr 22, 2021 12:39 AM

I have been using the previous version of q4os for about a year, very happily on my Dell XPS 15 2-in-1. I started having issues and found the the Samsung 970EVO was failing, so backed up everything, and with a hardware cloning device copied to a fresh matching SSD. The Windows side booted right up, but I couldn't get q4os to boot. This was last week. I have since completely wiped all the q4os partitions, etc. in frustration, and have been trying to get just a basic dual-boot install working. The install runs fine, but on boot I get the grub> prompt. Try as I might, I cannot get the grub setup to work on this system. I am logging my battle to get this working here, in the hopes that it may help others in the future.

Struggling to dual boot install Q4OS Centaurus alongside Windows 10 on Dell XPS 15 9575 2in1 - Read More…

How to stop this slow death spiral?

How to stop this slow death spiral?

by Hawke — last modified Apr 17, 2021 09:20 AM

I am by nature hyperactive. I have been involved with martial arts since I was 4 years old (1974). But successive injuries and lung damage have lead me to become horribly sedentary. And the combination of issues I am really struggling to try to find a way to turn around this death spiral.

How to stop this slow death spiral? - Read More…

Researching Puppy Food

by Hawke — last modified Jan 11, 2021 07:19 AM

Now that we have a new puppy, I need to research the best practices to provide the healthiest environment for our new pet.

Researching Puppy Food - Read More…

History of Pets in our Family

by Hawke — last modified Jan 11, 2021 07:06 AM

A brief history of pets in my family

History of Pets in our Family - Read More…

Reality About Voter Fraud

by Hawke — last modified Nov 13, 2020 10:32 PM

There is a lot of hype on all sides about voter fraud. Here is the reality.

Reality About Voter Fraud - Read More…

China vs. Falun Gong A Report

by Hawke — last modified Nov 10, 2020 09:31 AM

The Falun Gong have recently faced considerable setbacks this year in their battle for freedom from persecution by the Chinese government. An Editorial Opinion (OpEd) piece for Eastern Washington University EWU Eastern Asian History course.

China vs. Falun Gong A Report - Read More…

2008 Crisis warnings ignored by Palosi, Frank, Dems, etc.

by Hawke — last modified Mar 23, 2020 10:21 AM

So sick of the lies by so many about who is responsible for the Great Recession of 2008? Here is proof of who is really responsible, and why.

2008 Crisis warnings ignored by Palosi, Frank, Dems, etc. - Read More…

Stop the Insanity! Fear is the mind killer. Pan-epi-panic-demic

Stop the Insanity! Fear is the mind killer. Pan-epi-panic-demic

by Hawke — last modified Oct 10, 2021 10:53 AM

I am part of the immuno-compromised, and have been for many years, and especially with significant lung damage and on immune suppressing inhaled steroids, etc. Every day I run the risk of a pathogen killing me quickly causing me to drown in my own fluids. I have also worked in healthcare on and off since 1990. I am all for good hygiene, but everyone needs to de-escalate the disproportionate response in their over-reactivity. Adapt good healthy habits that should always have been there in the first place. Stop listening to the conjecture-based hype and focus on the actual data-supported reality, OVER TIME. Remember the data is lacking for years, proper studies take yeas before any real conclusions can be nailed down. Better yet, quit focusing on what you have no control over, and do focus on what you do have control over, that will help down-regulate your fear response, which will help your immune system, and reduce the disruption to societies normal functioning.

Stop the Insanity! Fear is the mind killer. Pan-epi-panic-demic - Read More…

Recommend do not use "Delaware Corporate Agents, Inc"

by Hawke — last modified Jun 14, 2019 12:16 PM

After years of using them (since 2001), they have become unresponsive and worse than useless. They have actually become very problematic for others. We are recommending everyone avoid the organization "Delaware Corporate Agents", Inc aka like the plague! Details included.

Recommend do not use "Delaware Corporate Agents, Inc" - Read More…
