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Inexplicably Banned by Indeed as a Job Hunter

by Hawke published Aug 01, 2024 09:29 AM, last modified Aug 01, 2024 09:29 AM
I've been on for years without any issues. Until now. I've been banned with no explanation as to what I did, and they aren't willing to provide any means of resolution...

This just happened to me last week.
For many years I've been on (and many other job boards), and never had anything like this happen.
As far as I know, I hadn't even updated anything in a while, until last week when I was logging in to upload an updated version of my resume I saw this message.
"There's an issue with your profileYour profile may violate our guidelines. Employers can't find you, and may not get your applications or messages. You can submit an appeal."
I have submitted an appeal and asked if they would please explain specifically _what_ I was banned for, so I can rectify the issue, but I just get an autoresponder that they will not do anything,
"Thank you for taking the time to go through our appeal process. We review all accounts to ensure our employers and job seekers have the best experience.
We have reviewed your account, and we will not be lifting your suspension. Your profile will remain “Not Searchable” on Indeed, and employers will no longer be able to find it in search results. This also means that you are unable to apply to jobs or message employers using your Indeed account at this time.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Further appeals for this suspension will not be considered or responded to.
Thank you,
Indeed - Trust & Safety"

I've looked through their lengthy list, and I don't see anything that I'm aware violates. I just have to comply with the long list of community guidelines, with zero explanation as to what I supposed violated, after all these years.
I am also an employer through multiple companies, including one under the same account, and notably that part of the account is unaffected. Lol.
Ah well, I had better responsiveness from higher quality candidates as an employer from other sites, and as a searching employee received better job offers from employers on Linkedin and some specialty role job boards. I'm just irritated by the complete lack of real support or even just a minimum amount of actually useful information to enable some ability to rectify.
I would of course make any changes needed, if only they would tell me what the issue is.

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